tag code: Iron Extra™ 60 Capsules – Peak Performance & Prevention
Iron Extra™ 60 Capsules

Iron Extra™ 60 Capsules

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Holistic red blood cell support featuring more absorbable and gentler forms of iron as well as supportive herbs and vitamins.

Featured Ingredients:

• Elemental Iron in each capsule is 25 mg from ferrous aspartate, ferrous succinate and ferrous fumarate ‐ these gentler forms of iron are easier on the stomach and less constipating*

• Includes Vitamin C to promote enhanced iron absorption*

• Traditionally used herbs for maintaining iron stores in the blood include: Yellow dock, Dandelion and Nettles; these are mineral rich herbs and they support easier bowel tolerance of the elemental iron*

• Vitamins B12 and Methylated Folic acid (L‐5‐MTHF) offer a well‐rounded approach to supporting and maintaining healthy red blood cells*